Things on a Heap

A Collection of Programming Ramblings by chjdev

Universal Python Server

I recently read a cool post by Joe Armstrong in which he showcases his favorite Erlang program: the universal server. The program creates an easily distributable generic server, that can perform any concrete task you tell it to by sending it a function. E.g. it could act as an HTTP server, RPC server, etc.

This little program “suitable for a 10min talk” highlights how awesomely simple Erlang can be for the tasks it was designed to do best. I was intrigued and wanted to see if a comparably simple universal Python server could be created by using only the standard library.

To make the program distributable the multiprocessing module of the standard library will be used. It contains the tools necessary for creating multiple processes and inter process communication.


This version deviates a little bit from Armstrong’s program. Instead of a become message, here the function to be performed is included for every task to be performed. It is implemented using 3 components: a manager as central connection point, a worker which will receive generic tasks to be performed and a boss which will schedule said tasks.

Disclaimer: Obviously this is only a simple little experiment, none of this code is intended to be used in anything respectable.


First here is the manager service. It’s responsible to provide the communication channels. Both the worker - as well as the boss processes connect to it for discovery.

from multiprocessing.managers import SyncManager
import marshal
import os

class Manager(SyncManager):


def connect(ip, port, auth):
    manager = Manager(address=(ip, port), authkey=auth)
    return manager

def remote(func, manager):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        manager.get_job_q().put((marshal.dumps(func.__code__), args, kwargs))
    return inner

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from multiprocessing import Queue
    job_q = Queue()
    res_q = Queue()
    Manager.register('get_job_q', callable=lambda: job_q)
    Manager.register('get_res_q', callable=lambda: res_q)
    manager = Manager(address=('', 1234), authkey=b'abc')
    print('Manager startet with PID=', os.getpid())

The first thing that’s necessary is to create our own subclass of the SyncManager provided by the multiprocessing module. This is necessary to register the custom methods used. Here 2 methods are registered: a method to access the job queue (which will contain the tasks to be performed) and a method to access the result queue which will communicate the results.

Note: this is a very primitive setup and for example doesn’t play nice with multiple bosses. Manager.register is only called with the name of these functions to tell it that they exist, so if the manager is subsequently imported it will be ready to use.

Next up is the connect function. This function is used by the workers and the boss to connect to the same session. This is akin to joining multiple running Erlang beam VMs and allows us to communicate with remote processes.

remote is a decorator for functions that allows to seamlessly send them to remote processes in order to be executed. It works by taking the decorated function and putting a tuple of its marshalled pseudo-compiled code (func.__code__) and arguments in the job queue. The tuple thereby contains everything a remote process needs to know to reconstruct the task.

Note: the marshal module has to be used because it appears that pickle module is not powerful enough to handle this specific use cases. Trying to directly pickle the function and loading it in the remote process will lead to an AttributeError because the function is not part of this process, and pickling of the __code__ builtin unfortunately doesn’t work.

Finally running the manager script will initiate the queues used for communicating and reregister them. Then a manager object is created and instructed to serve forever.


The worker process will perform the tasks scheduled by the boss. It works by getting tasks from the job queue, reconstructing the function of the task, invoking this new function and putting its result into the result queue.

from manager import connect
import marshal
import types
import os

def universal(job_q, res_q):
    while True:
        funcs, args, kwargs = job_q.get()
        func_code = marshal.loads(funcs)
        func = types.FunctionType(func_code, globals(), 'loaded_func')
        print('processing ', func, args, kwargs)
        res_q.put((os.getpid(), func(*args, **kwargs)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    manager = connect('', 1234, b'abc')
    print('Worker started with PID=', os.getpid())
    universal(manager.get_job_q(), manager.get_res_q())

The universal function is the main driver. It takes the job - and result queue as arguments. As stated above the job queue contains triplets with the marshalled function code and the arguments. First the marshalled code is unmarshalled giving us the pseudo-compiled code back. Next a new function is created from this code, it is now part of the process and can be called. Finally a tuple containing this processes id and the result of the invocation is put into the result queue.

When the script is run, it joins the specified manager using connect and then enters the universal function.


Now this setup can be put to use for arbitrary tasks, for example here is a boss that schedules the calculation of factorials.

from manager import remote, connect
import os

def factorial(n):
    res = 1
    while n > 1:
        res, n = res * n, n - 1
    return res

if __name__ == '__main__':
    manager = connect('', 1234, b'abc')
    print('Factorial started with PID=', os.getpid())

    inputs = range(1, 10)
    for num in inputs:
        remote(factorial, manager)(num)
    for _ in inputs:

As can be seen the factorial function is a completely normal function. If the boss is run, it again connects to a running manager and then uses the remote decorator to schedule the factorial calculations to remote processes.

This is arguably a pretty simple example, so here is something a bit cooler. With this boss the workers will be turned into socket servers that can handle requests on their own!

from manager import connect, remote
import os

def server(port):
    import socket
    host = ''
    backlog = 5
    size = 1024
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    done = False
    print('start serving')
    while not done:
        client, address = s.accept()
        data = client.recv(size)
        if data:
        done = data.decode().strip() == 'QUIT'
    print('done serving')
    return port

if __name__ == '__main__':
    manager = connect('', 1234, b'abc')
    print('Echo started with PID=', os.getpid())

    remote(server, manager)(5001)
    remote(server, manager)(5002)

Note: the import in the function is necessary, for it to be reconstructable in the remote process

All in all, this architecture is pretty usable. Using a fleet of these universal servers you basically can build a simple cluster environment that can compute anything. Not only that, it can be dynamically patched with arbitrary new behavior without the need for a restart.


As you can see, implementing the universal server in Python is quite a bit more involved than it is in Erlang, but that is understandable because it wasn’t specifically designed with this problem in mind. That being said, it is still remarkable how simple this concept can be implemented using only standard library modules. (Production code of course would be quite a bit more complex.)

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Then head over to Github and open an Issue please!